Bryan McKay, Principal dairy consultant at DPSL
Bryan McKay
Bryan McKay, principal consultant at DPSL, is a veterinarian with over 30 years’ experience in the New Zealand dairy industry and postgraduate qualifications in Herd Health and Management Programmes. He worked on the initial design and development of the DairyWIN herd information system, used to produce practical solutions and analyses of the data generated from dairy herds. His particular areas of interest include herd information systems, dairy farm modelling, benchmarking and resolving reproduction problems.
Bryan’s superior computer software skills and his understanding of farm systems give him unmatched expertise in modelling and projection. These skills are invaluable both in his farm consultancy work and in his role as the leader of DPSL’s benchmarking programmes.
A proficient epidemiologist and statistician, Bryan leads DPSL’s research trials and farm study programmes in addition to his primary consulting role. He is in demand as a speaker at dairy industry seminars and conferences throughout the world.
Bryan analyses nutrition and cow management as part of his approach to solving problems in dairy cow reproduction, production and health. His advanced veterinary studies, along with his dairy farming background, have given him a practical experience and understanding of dairy cows that underpins his scientific expertise. He is a firm advocate of having cows in top condition producing to their genetic potential with a minimal incidence of health problems, generating optimal cow survival.