DPSL consultants know how to design dairy farm facilities for cows:
Dairy yards and cow sheds
Cow housing
Total farm layout.
Designing dairy farm buildings and yards right, from the dairy cow’s point of view, will positively affect feed conversion efficiency, cow flow, staff input, animal health and, ultimately, your dairy farm profitability. Cows don’t move or think as we do. Farm buildings, layouts and designs that look great to us are often dismal failures for the cow, with the result that production and animal health never reach the level they should. Standard plans or the least-cost options generally do not suit all farms or every herd.
Facility design for dairy farms
In New Zealand, we do not have much experience or skill in designing dairy farm facilities for cow comfort and hence cow production. This is markedly true of feed systems and cow housing.
DPSL consultants have special expertise in the design of loose housing and free-stall barns. In addition, we offer services in analysing and redesigning existing facilities to improve cow flow, comfort and outcomes. When cows are happy, they operate better, reducing frustration and time-wasting for staff. A win-win situation for farmers.