DPSL consultants can use dairy farm analysis to define your dairy farm’s past and present performance, model future possibilities and set out the productive and financial implications of every option for your farm.
We use benchmarking and monitoring systems to give an accurate real-time analysis of your dairy farm performance, covering the physical aspects of production levels:
Pasture covers
Growth rates
Rotation lengths
Feeding levels.
We can also give you the financial estimates of feed costs, operating profits per ha/cow and health and reproductive performance.
A critical part of the success of any business is knowing where you are, where you want to go and how to get there.
Dairy farm analysis and projections
Farm productivity and sustainability are dependent on the performance of all the farm resources, including cows, feed, facilities and staff. Using dairy farm analysis gives a proper assessment of your comparative stocking rate, performance relative to target for cow type and farm system, feed conversion efficiency and farm facilities. In this way, farm performance analysis highlights your strengths and opportunities.
Analyse your farm performance to discover your potential
When you are deciding whether adding more feed, reducing or increasing stock numbers, or building a free-stall barn is your best option, our farm advisors can guide you through the decision-making process to reach your goal.
Analysis of your farm business by our consultants gives you the tools to:
Prioritise any improvements you may require
Assess your opportunities
Analyse the cost benefits of change
Model the likely outcomes
Make future projections within the limits of climate, environment and your individual farm circumstances.
Modelling potential changes as part of planning your farm’s future
The DPSL team can use dairy farm analysis to pinpoint the obstacles that are limiting your productivity and preventing you from achieving the results you want. By means of performance analysis, our consultants can invigorate your farm system to increase your productivity without increasing your workload.
We recognise that each dairy farm and farmer is different, that change is not for everyone, and that you have your own goals.